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CETRAD runs a rich hydromet data and information base generated from its long term and comprehensive monitoring network in the upper Ewaso Ngiro North river basin. Most of this data is now linked through a real time transmission system and interfaced to its database as well as to some selected Water Resources Users Associations (WRUAs) in the upstream areas.

This short book ducuments tools composing CETRAD-EWS, to enable you (the user) best use these tools and resources developed harnessing data from our comprehensive water resources monitoring network in the upper Ewaso Ngiro North river basin. This website should be technically easy to use with little Information Technology and Computer Science experience. However, interpretation of some graphs and charts require good knowledge in statistics and domain expertise. We, at this point, therefore note that we are aware you may be having queries to raise. To your aid, we have provided a chatting widget where you can instantly converse with our technical experts. Further, please feel free to contact us using email address and/or phone number provided.

Besides this documentation and contact facilities provided, The cover of every page has a Take a Tour button with embended video guide to that particular page. Feel free to consult this button for a visual guide.


This document was compiled by Celestial Geoconsultants Ltd for CETRAD. Please request rights of use from CETRAD before publishing, editing or using it elsewhere other than this website